Wednesday, 22 February 2012

More about slimpod?

I am often asked lots of questions about Slimpod.  So firstly Slimpods can be purchased from  There is also alot of information about them on their website.

I am also asked why slimpod isn't working, why its working for me? My answer to this is usually to check we are doing this right, ie reading the instructions properly and 'doing what it says on the tin'.

There is a fab section about all this here on their website.

The important things are

1) Listen daily

2) Write down 3 positives every day even on a bad day. They will be there if its not been a good day. It helps us to stop dwelling on negatives but also does so much more than that. It helps your subconscious to see whats helping you get to goal, and helps you to see the little changes that are happening all the time

3) set good achievable goals so that your subconcsious has a focus.

There is a fab section on goal setting on their website

Setting goals.  I took my main goal and then broke it into sections.  Then asked myself how I could achieve the first goal.

My first goal was to get into size 20 Next Jeans by Mid March - I achieved this 10 February :)

How did I achieve this first goal?

I chose
1) by eating mindfully - by this I mean eating and enjoying each mouthful , no tv, no pc, no book, just eating.  This way we hear the 'I am full signal' or we learn to. At first its hard but it gets easier

2) to walk for 30 mins a day minimum

3) to listen to my pods daily

4) to commit to finding and writing down my three positives EVERY day no matter what

I achieved my goal and I stuck to all of the above and usually did more exercise than planned :)

So now for my next goal!

My second goal is to get into size 18 Next Jeans for May

Size 16 for July

Size 14 for my 25th Wedding anniversary on 21st November 2012

I found using dress sizes worked far better for me that a number on the scales.  I have gone down over a dress size yet the scales are 1-2lb heavier than when I started slimpod at the moment.  The only way is down now as I eat normally, never binge, chose the healthy option, so its only a matter of time before the scales have to register this, surely?  Also do we carry the scales around and say 'hey look I lost 2lb this week I now weigh......' no of course we don't! People do not see the number on the scales they see our size and shape, its visual :)

So more advise get out that tape measure. I measure once a month.

I was a couch potato. So its all about finding exercise we like. I don't like any so I chose walking, brisk walking.  I then found two exercise DVD's which were 2 mile walks. I have used one of them a few times and the second one is yet to arrive, but all my exercise is, at the moment, based on walking so costs me nothing (other than the price of the two DVDs)

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