Tuesday, 3 April 2012

Still seeing changes

Still seeing changes almost daily at the moment.

My eating habits just get better and better. I am chosing the healthy option all the time at the moment.

Just made homemade lentil and bacon soup for lunch and had it with a small seeded chese and pickle sandwich.  I forgot to have breakfast as I was busy and was not hungry (eek).

I am no longer snacking at all. Just don't thnk about it. If still hungry after lunch I have a bananna or some grapes.

I am cooking most meals from scratch and thoroughly enjoying it. Last night was chicken and chorizo paella, a friend's recipe and its absolutely delicious.

I feel the positivity oozing from me. I am leaving food on my plate especially at main meal, even when they are favourite foods.

There is temptation all around me this week, cadburys easter eggs, galaxy chocolate, crisps, cookies, and I can honestly say they no longer interest me :)

I have to say this is the most amazing feeling I've ever had. I feel like everything has finally clicked into place. Yes I took the scenic route, fought the pods, rebelled against them, but I finally feel I've come out the other side, not only healthier, but happier.

I feel my head is so in the right place. Its an amazing place to be. I am eating the healthiest I've ever eaten and the most wonderful part of this is that I am chosing to. I don't have to, I'm not following an eating plan I eat this way because its what I fancy :)

I am so enjoying the walking and will continue it after lent.    My first challenge is to walk 80 miles in April. I am pretty confident I will do this easily but didn't want to set the limit too high and fail.  If I manage this easily I will up the mileage for May :)

I am not touching rubbish foods. I no longer have a craving for them. Even when the rest of the family chose the unhealthy option it does not tempt me.

I feel in such a good place, its so liberating, so exciting. I can't wait to see what happens over this next few months :)


  1. Jackie - so pleased for you and your achievements with the pods. It just s hows it can be done, stubborn or not but you just need patience. Whichever way it goes for me, I will be sticking with the pods as I hear Trevor's voice all the time now (although I sometimes ignore him!)and have your footsteps to follow (well, not all of them as you've clocked up loads).

    Sarah Po xxx

    1. Sarah - I could never have done this without friends like yourself to keep me sane :) These are life changing. You do need patience but it will happen :) x
