Tuesday, 29 October 2013

blog for 21st September I forgot to post!

A few things were said to me today that made me realise just how different my life is since finding slim pods. The first was 'you look shapely' lol, yep my jeans are baggy and I can nearly pull them down without undoing them  The second was 'you are so much calmer and so happy these days'... how true is that. I've stuck at a size 18 for about a year now. Not really gained not really lost and don't we all get despondent when this happens. I read it all the time on here. Not happening, feel despondent, but we are forgetting the changes that are happening, have happened and will continue to happen if we just give the Slimpods a chance.

I was a size 28 hermit. I didn't leave the house. I had zero confidence. I'm now a size 18 and looks years younger, feel years younger, feel alive. I am happier, I am slimmer, I am fitter, I have control over food, I am confident. I've started a little business in mid July making hand stamped jewellery, medical jewellery, dog tags. People love it, I love it. I had the confidence to do this.  I am loving life. I am no longer the stress head of a mother I used to be. I'm the calmest mum on the playground by far. Silly things don't get to me like they used to. I'm no longer wound up like a coil ready to spring. I'm calm and confident and happy.

So when you feel despondent, wonder if its working, ask yourself 'why did I turn to slimpod?' you likely will answer that you wanted something different, no more dieting, no more deprivation, you wanted control back over your eating, you likely like myself wanted to get off that turntable. Do you want to go back to that? I 110% do not. I am happy to take this slowly. Slimpods have changed my life so much and I can never thank anyone enough for what they have done for me. I started this to gain back control and i've achieved that tenfold. I feel amazing. I really am a new woman and i'd rather take this scenic route and enjoy my life that worry about calories, syns or points or starving and bingeing. I've not binged for two years this xmas.  I binged daily before.

I've made some amazing friends and been inspired by some amazing people. 

Waffle over but when you feel abit low, or abit despondent, just remember why you bought your Slimpod, let it work, give it time to work, it really isn't a race and it really will change your life  off to finish my orders  xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

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