Saturday, 2 June 2012

What difference can one year make??

A year - what difference can a year make ????

So another year has passed and  today is my birthday. Another year older so I thought i'd reflect on  whats changed ?? well  so much hasn't it I won't remember it all but lets just do a small reflection

I weighed around 17 stone 2 = this time last year. I had lost 9lb with Slimming world and was struggling. At this point I hadn't found the slimpods as didn't start them until the October. Today I don't know what I weigh but about 15 stone 5 as I chose not to weigh now until asked to 

I've been adding up inches lost since June 2 last year and its around 51-52 inches in total  that sounds mega doesn't it?? 

My waist was a very very unhealthy 46.5 inches  today it is 39 (well probably a bit less but I'm going on last lot of measurements )

Under my butt measured 56 - today its 43.5 

My tummy was a whopping 56 inches too - its now 48 

These are just examples  but blimey one year and all those inches 

I was a mouse. I was miserable. I was anxious 100% of the time. My ibs was awful (actually its flared up yesterday and today to be honest but first time in months ) I was a hermit. I was allergic to exercise. I made any excuse not to walk princess barky knickers. I felt fat and frumpy. I struggled to walk to town without being out of puff and looking like a beetroot. My asthma was bad. Pretty much a prisoner in my own home. No confidence pretty much at zero. Unhappy. very negative. I was a chocoholic, a binge eater, a grazer, I turned to food for every single emotion.,
I had a habit of sucking Jakemans cough sweets type of boiled sweet. Every single day several time a day. They helped me to cope with that nauseous feeling I had constantly from constantly being anxious - I just realised today I've not had any for over a week :)

I lived on revival or rescue remedy. I've not had any for a while now :)

This time last year I was a size 24-26 today I am pretty much a size 18 in most things 

so look at me now 

I am more or less a size 18  I've been wearing size 18s last 2 weeks top and bottom so although not all size 18's fit most do now 

I am happy , positive, confident, I exercise daily and love it. I walk princess barky knickers most days unless good reason not to. I wear nicer clothes and real shoes as my feet are no longer fat  I eat normally. I do not binge. I am no longer a chocoholic. I stop when full. I know the difference between hunger and thirst. I have no wagon to fall off as I'm not on one. I am such a positive person now and can turn any negative into a positive with ease. I am a nicer person to be around. I can talk to people I've never spoken to before.... not sure what else to say but pretty sure you get the picture 

  so any bets on how I'll be this time next year 

This time last year I'd had been obsessing about food all day. Cake, choccie, crisps, takeaways. Today is so different.  I've been so busy all morning. Its now 1.30pm and I am just sat down to eat a bowl of oatso simple with blueberries. Yep this is the first meal today and its what I fancied :) There is choccie birthday cake, muffins, carrot cake, crisps you name it in the house and this was literally what I fancied and I am enjoying it.  I don't even fancy the crisps the cake the choccie..... not interested.

This time last year I'd have been lazy all morning. This year I got up and did 3 Leslie Sansone boosted miles before the kids got up :)

So what difference does one year make ??  alot especially since I found slimpods :)  I've only been podding for 7 months but I can't wait to update when its been a year :) 

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