Friday, 24 August 2012

It works!!!


I had a session with Lori before we went away and one of the things we dealt with was my fear of swimming. It went back to age 10-11 when I was pushed in the deep end and went under. I've felt that awful fear ever since. :(  I could see me at that age, the swimming cossie, and know what happened. So we did some work on this and not had a chance to test it. Wasn't sure if I was putting it off or what but I knew that I would do it when I was ready.

Well Wednesday evening was that day :) I got ready, drove myself there, went alone, struggled with the lockers but this confident Jackie just simply asked for help :) I then got in. Simples. Got in, put my shoulders under and swam..... I stayed in the training pool this week as the main one was empty. But its a good size and I swam up and down it for 40 mins. I'd stop and try floating on my back :eek: popping face in water :eek: and putting ears in water :eek: I did it all. The only thing I haven't done is put my whole head under water which I will do but it wasn't an easy task in that pool and this was my first swim without fear!!!!

Yep thats just it the fear had gone. Just vanished. I just swam, enjoyed the water, felt relaxed. It was amazing. All those years of anxiety, not getting my face wet, not getting my ears wet, swimming with head up high, knot in tummy, basically avoiding swimming at all costs. In fact I can't tell you the last time  I went. I hated it. But Wednesday was different. It felt good, I enjoyed it :) how cool is that??

I also drove myself there and back and I'm noticing each time I drive I build up my confidence again :) Life is changing all the time. I am facing my fears and demons one by one and squishing them!

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