A few ponderings and waffles.
I have just ordered a proper pair of trainers. I started off a couch potato who never exercised. I hated every form of exercise and decided I was allergic to it. Then I got my fitpod. I got the 'make fitness fun and easy' one (giggles) I remember thinking 'yeah right, as if!' but it works! I love my walking. I now do 2 Leslie Sansone walk at home miles most days plus walk the dog. I often walk 4-5 miles a day.
I stupidly thought the footwear I had 'would do' well it did at first as I was only walking 30 mins a day with the dog but as I upped the walking I got severe heel pain, I felt crippled each day as I got out of bed the pain was so bad. So this week I've had my feet checked, I'm doing the stretching exercises I've been given and I've ordered a good pair of trainers which will hopefully arrive this week. So I am hoping anyone reading this will do the same to learn by my mistakes rather than end up in agony :)
So the scales began to rule my life again lately, affecting how I felt, my moods, and generally hurting my feelings so I set myself a challenge. I cannot weigh until 2nd June (eek) I am on day 2! This will be very very hard but I won't cheat. A challenge is a challenge and this one is important.
I have relaxed into the pods this week. Something I should have done months ago, but I took the scenic route (lol) I have found by going with the flow and not obsessing which foods to have I have made sensible choices, left food at many meals and actually eaten less as by relaxing into it food is even further from our minds. I even forgot to have my lunch yesterday until 2:45 pm as hadn't thought about it and I was busy.
I find I just eat my meals, don't consider snacking and eat what I fancy. 98% of the time its the healthy choice. Love it! Relaxing and no longer obsessing works - try it :) I am amazed at the difference it makes
I've been listening to the chillpod and powershower a couple of times a day this week and this has made a huge difference. I feel so relaxed and calm and like anything negative just washes away. I love these two pods and have to say the power shower is my absolute favourite pod :D
Its like being in a bubble and anything negative pings off and boomerangs back!
You're Sweet Enough pod - Had this a few weeks now and its really worked for me. I no longer crave sweet stuff all the time. I had got in a habit of craving something sweet after my main meal to the point I just had to have it. I no longer do this :) I hardly bother with choccie, biscuits, cake etc etc. Once in a while I have the odd thing but thats it. It no longer makes me crave more and just a little satisfies me until the next time I fancy something. Its not daily and not even weekly just every now and again. I love this pod as much as the choccie one as its made a huge difference to me.
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