Friday, 11 May 2012

Ready to give up? Going to throw the towel in???

Feeling ready to give in? Feel its not working for you?? STOP and think.... are you doing EXACTLY as it says on the tin? :) I suspect not.....

What does it say on the tin?? Did you read it? Did you skim read it and just get listening thinking thats it?
So many do, or forget, or simply say, 'I don't have any positives' my reply OF COURSE YOU DO!  We are simply so used to finding our negatives that we miss them... how do I know this? Its going well for you Jackie, its just not for me?? Well because I found my positives on some pretty dire days. They are there we just focus too much on the negative ones as they tend to pop up and slap us in the face don't they?   Its digging deep and finding those positives. I am sure glad that I did.

So what did it say on the tin??

There are 3 Golden Rules

1) Listen every day

2) Find your positives every day

3) Set good achievable goals

Here is the page on Thinking Slimmer explaining the 3 Golden Rules

1) - nice easy one. I go to bed with Trevor every night. I even listen in the day sometimes. Its nice and easy, its fab, I enjoy so I find time. I am a busy Mum of 3 and I work full time - If I can fit it in I believe anyone can :)

2) Find your positives - harder - but its doable as I did it.  I've had some tough stuff in the 6 months I've been podding. We lost my lovely FIL too, yet I still found them. They are there we often just miss them, go back and find them! I keep my notebook on my desk and write as I think of them or find them :) at the end of the day I bet I'd forget a few otherwise

3) Set good achievable goals - not so easy is it? We all seem to struggle with this one.  If you read here Thinking Slimmer explain how to

and here

Don't forget to fill in your contract with yourself and pin it up somewhere :)

So you've now seen all the official stuff and I'm now going to waffle and say how I see it. This is just my view and I may not be 100% right but this is why I think its important.

1) Listen - find the time, because you are worth it!  We can all find 10-20 mins to listen to the main ones daily. Doesn't have to be in one go 2 lots of 10 mins is often easier to fit in

2) Positives - if we find positives daily that are pod related, we are reinforcing with our subconscious that these little changes are getting us to our goal. I really make the effort to find pod related positives as much as possible as I find they work 100% better.

What sort of positives do I find?  Tonnes but here are a few for you

I left food on my plate!  (sometimes just one mouthful, sometimes 1/3rd of my food - but yes I regularly leave food on my plate now and never ever did in the past - I mean who leaves one mouthful?? you just shove it in don't you? Well I used to but not anymore)

I walked to the shop rather than take the car

I didn't think about food from one meal to the next

I forgot to eat breakfast as I was busy

I walked two miles even though I didn't feel like it today

I refused the bar of choccie I was offered

I ate mindfully

3) Goals - so many struggle... I did. I reset mine mid January and felt everything worked so much better from that point on

I want to be a size 14 by end November so spaced it out working out what size I would need to be at regular intervals to achieve this. I didn't use weight as a measure as scales are the devil. I mean I've lost 2 foot of me! 24 inches, but just 5lb... crazy crazy crazy

So my first goal was size 20 Next Jeans... Planned end March got into them mid Feb

Next goal size 18 next jeans end of May - yet to be achieved but close as I can pull them up do them up but really need to be able to breathe as well!

Next goal size 16 Next Jeans by end July beginning August

Final goal - size 14 Next Jeans for 21st November

So I have my main goals, how do we get to the first one?

You could choose and item of clothing thats slighly too tight and hang it up to see daily. ie an inbetween goal.

You could set 3 mini goals leading up to goal one


1) I will listen to my pods daily and find 3 positives daily
2) I will walk for 30 mins 3 times a week
3) I will eat mindfully

Whats eating mindfully?? I sit and eat with no distractions. No tv, no pc, no reading, I just sit and eat. Enjoying my food, and savouring every mouthful..... Its scientifically proven we eat less.  We also learn to hear that 'I am full signal'. I now hear this loud and clear at every meal.

I really find picking that item of clothing and hanging it up helps :) its a visual reminder of each goal. Visual reminders are good. Its a focus.

Without good achievable goals like me you will flounder about. I did. I reset them, my subconscious has its focus and its full steam ahead :)

So give it a chance. Don't throw in the towel, do as I do and keep podding, keep finding your poditives, as they make you feel poditively amazing.  I have a real smile now :) I feel so much more confident daily. Old Jackie is gone for good now, good riddance I say, and new Jackie is emerging daily. Everyone sees the changes, even I see the changes......

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