Monday, 14 May 2012

Turning negatives into positives

Just wanted this recorded hence yet another blog post sorry :)

Yesterday I was ultra tired. So tired as a bad night feeling ill and an early morning due to barky dogs.

I coped well all day but come the evening, I needed something sweet so chose biscuits. Old habits die hard and I munched through a handful. Not thinking, not being mindful, just eating. It was either emotional eating, or the need for sugar due to tiredness not worked that one out yet.

Well OMG did I feel so ill. I felt bloated, I felt that full I thought I would burst, I felt soooooooooooo uncomfortable. This feeling lasted all night. Literally all night. Was it worth it ? NO! Its awful. I still feel bloated now and what did I have, about 10 biscuits! Its laughable in the past I could have eaten the packet and more, but goodness me I thought I would pop! Would I do it again? NO! NO! NO! mindful eating it is :)

I have learnt alot of lessons this way on slimpod.  I write them down each time and often thats enough to see the back of them, so I am sharing this with you all so you can do the same. Working out why we did something and writing down how we felt seems to reinforce with the subconscious that this was not a good thing and we move on :) So I've written it down, of course, and I am sure thats it for that one!

When I look back to what I used to be like this was nothing. A blip, a mistake, they happen and they are very easily squished these days and sometimes I believe we need to experience these things to move on.  It reminds me that I meant to say that I found it far better to 'learn a lesson' that 'dwell on the negatives' . Its all too easy to beat ourselves up about a stray choccie bar or two, or a few biscuits, or a cupcake, whatever it was you reached for.  But from now on, don't do that, try to work out why you reached for it... sometimes its allowed, you were hungry, you had a biscuit, thats fine, its times like last night when I wasn't hungry and I still reached for it, that I'm on about. Those times that have an attachment, be it emotional, tiredness, stress etc.  Once we learn to see these as 'lessons', 'blips', or simply 'a mistake' and move on with out the guilt we have learnt something very valuable and can move on from things more easily. Really its finding a positive from a very old negative isn't it?

So my positive out of this negative is that is was a blip. I could have handled this differently. If it was emotional I should have turned to my chillpod and power shower. If it was sugar well I could have had an options drink, or a mug of tea with 1 tsp of sugar, or I could have simply had a bannana or one biscuit.

At the beginning I'd be wracked with guilt if I had a McDonalds... but why?? We are not on a diet we can have it. Its that old diet head rearing its head constantly and if like me you've spent 20 years dieting its hard to get rid of. I am happy to tell you all I no longer have a diet head. Would I ever return to dieting?? NO!NO!NO! I would not. I would rather get to goal this time next year that diet and try and get there quicker.  This is a healthy way of doing it. This is long term. This is life changing. I can't fall off a wagon that I am not on, I don't have enormous guilt everytime something 'non diet' passes my lips, its simply liberating and these pods are changing ingrained habits that I've had since a teenager.They are simply amazing. :) They have taught me so many things and i'm still learning. 

Each time you have a blip, make a mistake, think about it, work it out, and move on. Never give up, because you are worth it!

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